Other Links of Interest

This guy interviews top scientists, theologians, and philosophers and records them; well worth the visit:

Just a site with decent information on biblical topics that interest me:

A comparisson with the Book of Mormon and the Book of Matthew:

A calendar converter:

Gordon Webham paper on large numbers in the OT:

I recommend any of the following authors for various reasons:
Alvin Plantinga
Eleonore Stump
Peter Van Inwagen
Michael Rea
William L. Craig
Richard Swinburne
Brian Leftow
Alexander Pruss
Thomas H. McCall

New Testament:
N.T. Wright
D. A. Carson
Greg Beale
Darrell Bock
Ben Witherington
James Dunn
John P. Meier
Daniel Wallace

Old Testament:
Daniel Block
Tremper Longman III
Walter Bruggeman
Christopher Seitz
Gordon Wenham

Science Stuff:
Kaku Michio
Roger Penrose
John Polkinghorne
Leonard Susskind
Frank Tipler
Steven Weinberg
Brian Greene

James White